September 2021 - Gathering Again

 Christian Education Reopening Plans!

Erring on the side of caution, we will begin to phase in programs for children and youth this fall starting with nursery care and Extended Session. Our current goal is to limit the length of time our young people will be spending in our building while providing some opportunity for us to gather in person.

Beginning Sept. 12

·       Nursery Care for infants and toddlers will be provided during the worship service. Childcare staff are required to be vaccinated for Covid-19 and wear a mask.

·       Sunday school for children in preschool through 3rd grade will be held during Extended Session each week during worship. Children will be dismissed from the sanctuary during worship following the Time for Children and will be brought back as a group to the sanctuary at the conclusion of the worship service. We will use the Primary Sunday School Room or the Ridinger Room depending on the size of the group. We will abide by the safety guidelines listed below. For the time being, Sunday school for grades 4 and up and youth group fellowship time will resume virtually.

·       There will be two weekly opportunities for virtual Sunday school for all ages:  10 a.m. Sundays and 6 p.m. Thursday. The virtual sessions will be held via Zoom and will last for 30 minutes. We will be posting weekly Sunday school resources and a children’s bulletin for those participating in Sunday school and church at home.

·       Youth Group Fellowship time for grades 6 and up which will be held weekly on Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. 

·       Additional outdoor activities and gatherings for children, youth, and their families maybe planned with masks being required for all unvaccinated individuals.

We will continue to monitor the rate of community spread and adjust programming and protocols monthly for all in-person gatherings for children based on the CDC’s recommendations for school and day care facilities, state regulations, county health department guidelines, and all guidelines and requirements established by the leadership and Session of Sixth Presbyterian Church. Our next step will be to resume in person Sunday school for grades 4 and up.

Safety Guidelines: 

·       Masks will be required indoors for all staff, teachers, and volunteers. Masks for children over age 2 who can wear them will be required while indoors.
·       A combination of portable room HEPA filters, window air-conditioning units, and open windows will be utilized to provide room ventilation.
·       In good weather, we will be able to take Sunday school/extended session students outside to met in designated spaces on the front stairs or front yard.
·       Rooms/spaces used for Sunday school, nursery, and extended session will be cleaned after each use. Toys and materials used will be set aside for cleaning following each session.
·       Social distancing will be practiced. We will provide enough crayons, pencils, arts and craft supplies to limit sharing.
·       Kids/staff/volunteers will use the restrooms one at time unless assistance is needed.
·       Parents/students will be reminded to follow all guidelines in our existing
General Health and Safety guidelines/policy  Health and Safety Policy
·       Completion of our registration form for children and youth will be required for all those attending Extended Session, Sunday school, and all other in-person programming. Visitors and those not in our registration system will be asked to provide contact information. Children and Youth Registration
·       We will keep attendance lists for all kids and adults for the purposes of contract tracing.
·       Training will be provided for childcare staff, teachers, and volunteers about all health and building safety protocols.
·       Self-Screening/Contact Tracing: Anyone testing positive after attending a service or church program is asked to please report it to a church staff member right away so we can do contact tracing. For everyone’s safety, we ask that individuals please stay home if the individual or anyone in your household has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 10 days, or if anyone is currently experiencing or has experienced COVID-19 symptoms.   
