Refections for Youth - Locked Up

One of this week's Scripture passages is from the New Testament book of Philippians. Here we have our old friend Paul is writing a letter from prison (somewhere, he doesn't say exactly where) to the folks in Phillipi which is a Roman colony. Paul previously established a church community there (you can find out about that in Acts 16). 

No doubt Paul - being locked-up - has lots of time to contemplate things and is writing about what it means to " live in Christ." 

Give the passage a read here: 

Philippians 1: 21-30

Paul is encouraging the community to " live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ." 

So, how do we find hope and meaning in life? 

What if it all begins when we are able to look beyond ourselves and our circumstances. Paul is in prison yet he writes letters to encourage and teach those in communities that follow Jesus. 

How do we find hope when we feel locked up? Maybe one of the ways that we can "live in Christ" is to reach out and encourage others - just like Paul did. 

Paul promises that we will experience abundant life when we strive to believe God's promises and trust God - even when times are hard. God’s love shines into our lives through Jesus Christ. Living lives "in Christ" means to reflect God’s love into the world. 

Things to think about:

What are some ways your life can reflect God’s love, with friends, at home, during school?
Who are the people that you look to for encouragement? 
Can you think of someone that you can encourage and support during challenging times? 


