Acolytes and Water Pouring at Sixth Church

Serving as an acolyte or water pourer each week is a very important part of worship for our children here at Sixth Church. 

It's a chance for them to participate in worship and feel like they are part of the service and our church community. 

Each week, two children come forward to during the choir's Introit to light the Christ Candle and pour water into the baptismal font.  Interested kids in first grade or older are trained by members of our worship committee.  Anyone interested in serving as an acolyte or a water pouring can contact Pam Bowers or Verna Robinson. There is a sign up sheet in the back of the sanctuary! 

The Vestments that our acolytes and water pourers
wear were designed and made by Sixth member Joan Markert 

Here are some related articles about Acolytes in Worship
