March 5, 2017
Dear Families of the Children in our Grade School Class,
Today was the first Sunday in Lent. We put the purple cloth on our worship table today, as we acknowledged the beginning of Lent. We encourage you to continue the conversation with your children regarding this season in the church calendar. Jenny has prepared wonderful suggestions for Lent which are on the table in the Chapel.
Our Bible lesson was from Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7. As we read about the relationship with God and God’s creation, we acknowledged the harmony God desired for all of creation. The human desire to go against God’s will is found in each of us. (Big nodding of heads when we said, even the grown-ups). We then constructed snake heads as a sign of the ways in which we are all tempted to act on our own desires, even when we know they may cause pain and sorrow for ourselves and sometimes those we love. Each child wrote on a piece of paper an act they knew was against God’s will for them. This paper was scrunched into a ball and put in the head of our snake. Then we had a time of stomping on the head of the snake. Great joy was expressed as we claimed victory over all evil through Jesus Christ. Jesus showed us that God is more powerful than any evil that is in the world, or anything we do to disobey God. God always loves us no matter what we do. We all belong to God, and God is Love. That love is shown to us through the life and death of Jesus Christ.
See you next Sunday. Have a blessed week.
Your Sunday School teachers, Chris Pistorious, Linda May and Verna Robinson.
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