Stuff I Like - Lent Resources 2017

Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent are just a month away! Below are books and resources that I am liking this year.  

For Grown-Ups

"40 Days, 40 Prayers, 40 Words: Lenten Reflections for Everyday Life" is written by Bruce Reyes-Chow, a former moderator of the Presbyterian General Assembly. It's a great devotional for busy folks with forty devotions centered around a word inspired by the daily lectionary readings. Each daily devotion includes a scripture passage, prayer, and reflection. 

Walter Bruggemann's devotions for Lent "A Way Other Than Our Own" contains thought-provoking daily reflections.  If you haven't yet read any of Brueggemann's writing this would be a great way to start. 

Presbyterians Today magazine's 2017 Lenten devotional is called "Meeting Jesus" and is by Jodi Craiglow.  The devotional follows 47 biblical figures who encounter Jesus during his ministry.  I have copies of this devotional available at the church, or you can order one here.

For kids and families

A company called Creative Communications publishes church resources of all kinds and this year at Sixth Church we will sending families home with these two resources.

"Ask, Seek, Find" has a short daily devotional to read children and brightly-illustrated seek-and-find pictures pages containing hidden objects that tell the story of Jesus’ passion and resurrection.  

The Lent 2017  Children's Calendar is a one-page calendar filled with prayers, activities, and suggestions for Bible readings. The calendar also includes instructions for creating a Lenten prayer tree. 

We have these available at the church so please take one home! You can also purchase them here or here

"Make Room: A Child's Guide to Lent and Easter" by Laura Alary is my new favorite find. I plan on reading this to the Sunday school students in sections as we move through Lent. The narrative in this book approaches this season in a way that is meaningful and not frightening.  It presents Lent as a special time for creating a welcoming space for God. The book uses simple daily actions  such as baking bread, having a neighbor over for dinner, uncluttering a room, and watching less TV as examples of acts of justice and kindness.

The "Lenten Survival Guide For Kids: I'm Supposed to Do What? " by Peter Celano is great for independent readers ages (7-11). It's witty and explores what Lent is - what Lent is not. 

This book is not specifically about Lent or Easter, but it caught my eye because it has 40 short Bible stories each with a devotion and prayer.  "I Am: 40 Reasons to Trust God" by Diane Stortz is a  centered around the theme of the names of God.  If you a looking for a good way to start a daily reading/devotion time for your family this book can take you through the days of Lent and help you develop a new family reading ritual. 

(All books listed here are available on
