In-person Sunday School and other info - Feb. 2022

Beginning Sunday, Feb.6 at 10 a.m. in-person Sunday school classes will resume.  Please join us upstairs for the following classes:

Please note that class locations and divisions may be adjusted due to space and the need for social distancing.  

·       Preschool – 3rd grade will be led by Jenny Newman and our childcare staff and will meet in the primary Sunday school room. 

·       3rd- 5th grade will be led by Linda May and Meghan Jones and will meet in the secondary Sunday school room.

·       6th grade and up will be led by Joe Ashenden and Marcus Robinson grade will meet in the youth room (Jenny’s office). 

A virtual Sunday school option will still be available at 10 a.m. Sunday for those who are not yet comfortable/able to attend in person. This will be a multi-age class. Zoom link for this class will be sent to weekly via email.

Nursery care for infants and toddlers will be provided during Sunday school and worship (10 a.m. until the conclusion of worship.)

Extended session: Preschool through 3rd grade will be held during worship. Children will be dismissed from the sanctuary during worship following the Time for Children and will be brought back as a group to the sanctuary at the conclusion of the worship service. We will use the Primary Sunday School Room or the Ridinger Room depending on the size of the group.

Youth group: Youth Fellowship will continue to meet weekly via zoom and/or in-person at times determined by the group.

Safety guidelines:

·       Masks will be required indoors for all staff, teachers, and volunteers. Masks for children over age 2 who can wear them will be required while indoors.  Participants are asked to wear KN95 masks, cloth masks with KN95 filters, or double mask. Child and adult-size KN95 masks will be available if needed.  

  • We will not be offering snacks and ask that food and beverages not be brought from home. We want to minimize times when everyone will be un-masked. 
  • A combination of portable room HEPA filters, window air-conditioning units, and open windows will be utilized to provide room ventilation.
  • Rooms/spaces used for Sunday school, nursery, and extended session will be cleaned after each use. Toys and materials used will be set aside for cleaning following each session.
  • Social distancing will be practiced. We will provide enough crayons, pencils, arts and craft supplies to limit sharing.
  • Kids/staff/volunteers will use the restrooms one at a time unless assistance is needed.
  • Parents/students will be reminded to follow all guidelines in our existing General Health and Safety guidelines/policy. Parents/students will be reminded to follow all guidelines in our existing General Health and Safety guidelines/policy.  Health and Safety Policy 
  • Completion of our registration form for children and youth will be required for all those attending Extended Session, Sunday school, and all other in-person programs. Visitors and those not in our registration system will be asked to provide contact information.  Children and Youth Registration
  • We will keep attendance lists for all kids and adults for the purposes of contract tracing.
  • Self-Screening/Contact Tracing: Anyone testing positive after attending a service or church program is asked to please report it to a church staff member right away so we can do contact tracing. For everyone’s safety, we ask that individuals please stay home if the individual or anyone in your household has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or if anyone is currently experiencing or has experienced COVID-19 symptoms.   
