Tips for Parents: Sunday Mornings

As we move into the new year and resume Sunday school here are some reminders for parents that may help your Sunday mornings. 

    •  Be on Time. I know, sometimes just getting everyone up and out the door is like an Olympic event.  But being on time can go a long way in making the morning run smoothly.  Coming into a room where there is a lesson or activity already in progress can cause anxiety or stress for kids.  Also, if you have small people in your family who have trouble with transitions or anxiety about settling into a classroom setting, being a little early even may help them adjust to the space and the environment.
    • Stay home if you need to.   If your kids are sick or irritable at home, then they are going to be sick and irritable at church which can lead to more stress for parents.  There is the risk of catching new germs and spreading the germs they already have.  Also, consider keeping your child at home if can’t successfully manage their behavior or meltdowns at home. Some days it’s just one of those days--tantrums, behavior issues, or exhibiting aggressive behavior at home could make for a long morning at church.
    •  Talk about your boundaries.  Talk with your small people about your rules for them and what behavior you expect from them while there are at Sunday school and church.  Help them decide ahead of time how they will deal with certain situations that may upset them.  Setting clear rules and consequences will help navigate moments when trouble or disagreements arise. Talk with church staff, teachers, and volunteers if needed to make sure your expectations and rules for your child are in line with church procedure and policies.
    •  Share with us. Let us know any information that might help our staff, teachers and volunteers make church a happy and loving experience for your kids.  If your child has an IEP at school or you have specific discipline techniques that work at home please let us know. The more we know about the kids the better!  Also, please let us know about your child's special interests, talents or anything that might help us fully engage with them and make them feel welcome.
    • Engage.  Young people will be more excited to come to church and Sunday school if they know that you are excited as well. Ask questions about what they are doing and learning in Sunday school.  Talk to them about what they like about church. Share with them your thoughts and feelings about church and what you are learning and experiencing in worship.
