Stuff I Like - Lent 2018 books a Devotionals
Here are my suggestions for books and devotionals for this Lent season. Also, see below for links to post with recommendations for all ages and from previous years. Enjoy!
Bruggemann's Lent reflections invite readers to consider the challenging life that comes with walking the way of grace. God has always called people out of their safe, walled cities into uncomfortable places, revealing paths they would never have chosen. Despite our culture of self-indulgence, we too are called to walk an alternative path one of humility, justice, and peace.
"Holy Solitude" By Heidi Haverkamp
These Lent Reflections follow people such as, Hagar, Hebrew prophets, Jesus in the wilderness, t Francis of Assisi, and Catherine of Siena. Readers will see how escape from the toil and temptations of daily life can open their eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to the still, small voice of God.
These Lent Reflections follow people such as, Hagar, Hebrew prophets, Jesus in the wilderness, t Francis of Assisi, and Catherine of Siena. Readers will see how escape from the toil and temptations of daily life can open their eyes, ears, minds, and hearts to the still, small voice of God.
" Lent for Everyone: Mark, Year B" by N.T. Wright
This book provides readers with a guide through the Lenten season using the Gospel of Mark. Wright provides his own Scripture translation, brief reflection, and a prayer for each of the days of the season.
This book provides readers with a guide through the Lenten season using the Gospel of Mark. Wright provides his own Scripture translation, brief reflection, and a prayer for each of the days of the season.
"Jesus and the Prophets" Presbyterians Today 2018 Lenten Devotional
This annual Lent devotional explores the connection between Jesus and the prophets. The prophets communicated the word of God; Jesus is the Word of God. The prophets predicted the coming of the prince of peace; Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Not only did Jesus continue the prophetic ministry, he is the fulfillment of the prophetic mission. (Copies of this devotional will be available in the Chapel. Pick one up!)
This annual Lent devotional explores the connection between Jesus and the prophets. The prophets communicated the word of God; Jesus is the Word of God. The prophets predicted the coming of the prince of peace; Jesus is the Prince of Peace. Not only did Jesus continue the prophetic ministry, he is the fulfillment of the prophetic mission. (Copies of this devotional will be available in the Chapel. Pick one up!)
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