Reflections - The Best Teacher
That's what I am thinking about this week. I have been remembering all the teachers, professors, youth leaders, and camp counselors that I have liked the best and have learned from the most. I think a good teachers is someone that knows a whole lot about the things they are teaching people. Good teachers are people that like to teach others about the things that they love. I also think good teachers are the ones that listen, learn, and care about the people they are teaching.
I've also been thinking about those people that are not teachers in a professional capacity - but have taught me valuable lessons because they are good at life.
Who are those people in your life?
This week in our Gospel lesson we see Jesus recognized as an authoritative teacher.
Jesus invited disciples and people to travel with him. He was teaching in the Synagogue and he shows his authority by healing and making well a man that seems to be sick and filled with "evil spirits." The other people in the worship space didn't seem to care about the man who was shouting, yelling and making a scene. But Jesus did. Jesus stopped teaching. He wanted the man to be well.
“Be still,” said to the man. “Be well.”
And the sick man became peaceful and quiet and quit shaking. The people were amazed and the scripture says that the news of Jesus teaching and healing began to spread from person to person and town to town, all over Galilee.
Can you imagine what it would have been like to have Jesus as your teacher?
Jesus taught people about the love of God. They could see by the things he did and the things he said that he was an authority. They watched as Jesus healed a man who was sick. They saw the power of God’s love. The best teachers are the ones who really know what they are talking about - and Jesus is the best teacher to teach us about love.
Some things to think about:
What would it have been like to have Jesus as a teacher?
What can you tell others about Jesus with the most assurance?
What is the most important thing you would like others to know about Jesus? How will you show or tell them, or teach them about Jesus?
Who are the "teachers" in your life that you should pay more attention to?
What is something that you know a lot about that you can teach others?
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