Reflections: All this stuff

What are you carrying around?

This week I am thinking about stuff. I cleaned out my office at home one day last week and I got rid of a lot of stuff. Stuff that I don't need or use.

I am also thinking about all the stuff that I need to take with me when I leave next week for our mission trip to Nicaragua. I always pack way too much. 

Then there is the stuff that we carry around with us that's not actual material items - but stuff like worry, guilt, grief, and stress.  I need to get rid of a lot of that stuff, too. 

In our Gospel reading from Matthew this week, Jesus has called his disciples and is now giving them some instructions.

Read Matthew 9: 35-36 and Matthew 10: 1-14

He said it was time for them to go out into the villages without him and do what he does. He gave them the power to heal the sick, just like he could.  He told them to not take any money for what they do and to not take anything with them on their travels. 
No giant backpack (like the one I will be packing for Nicaragua).  

He said the Holy Spirit will give them everything they need for their travels. He told them to find good people to stay with and God would give them the words to say.

I wonder how the disciples felt about what Jesus was asking them to do? 

 I wonder if we could do that—go somewhere without all of our stuff and just depend on God and others to help us? 

We carry around a lot of stuff. 

Some of that stuff is ours - and some of that stuff belongs to others. We don't have to carry it all.  
Jesus told the disciples to carry only what is essential. I hope that I can do a better job of editing all the stuff that I carry - and how much of other people's stuff I need to carry. 

What kind of stuff can you let go? 
