Reflections: Can you hear me now?
Note: Each week (usually on Thursdays) I post a weekly devotion on our Sixth Youth Facebook and on our Sixth group Instagram page. A few people have suggested that I start posting it here as well. So I will!
I am thinking this week about how I can better listen and watch for the Holy Spirit that is at work in the world around me.
Pentecost is usually the go-to story when it comes to the Holy Spirit. But one of the scripture passages for this week reminds us that Jesus talked about the Holy Spirit long before the ever-famous "tongues, as of fire" and "rush of a violent wind" from the book of Acts.
Check this out:
Read John 14: 15-31
In this chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus is talking to the disciples and tells them soon they will no longer see him - but God will send the Holy Spirit through which he will always be with us. "I have said these things to you while I am still with you. But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything, and remind you all that I have said to you."
What is God teaching me today? Perhaps I need to shut my mouth, open my eyes wide, and give myself the space to take it all in. What's causing the noise in your life today? Today might be chaotic and hectic. It might be filled with groans and side-eyes and sighs.
But, I think today might also be filled with the Holy Spirit and the voice of God. And we just might hear it if we are quiet enough to listen. What could God be teaching you today?
#sixthyouth #shh...listen
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