Sunday School Class Weekly Update

      Our wonderful Sunday school teachers of our 1st through 5th grade class have started sending out a weekly emails to families of their students. Each week, they will be sharing what's happening in Sunday School as a way for parents stay connected and to encourage families to engage in faith conversations at home. I'll be posting their weekly updates here!

Dear Families of the children of our grade school class.       

Chris Pistorius, Linda May, and I are privileged to have your child, or children, in our Sunday School class. Our time with them is challenging, rewarding, and most of all just plain fun. If you are willing, we would like to send a weekly update of our time with them. We hope this will let you know what we are exploring with your child and help you to continue the conversation with them in both word and action. For example: last Sunday we explored Moses’ words in Deuteronomy 30: 15-20.We are given many choices in life. We can say yes or no to these choices. Moses encouraged his followers to live in God’s way by saying yes to God. Living in God’s ways will bring life and happiness not only to each of us but also to our family and friends. Some of the children made drawings of how they would say yes to God. We have some of these drawings displayed in our classroom. While not every child expressed themselves in this way, you may want to stop by the class room, when you bring your child to Sunday School, to see the pictures and have them tell you about their choice to say Yes to God.
This Sunday we looked to the teachings found in Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18. We saw that the laws God gave to Moses were God’s “Treasure Map” – a guide for us to live by which will helped lead us to a good life. So too are the rules we have in each of our families. We played a game which encouraged each child to think about the everyday choices they must make and whether they will lead to happiness or sadness for themselves and those they love. Thus, the Happy and sad balloons you may have seen after church this Sunday.
Please let us know if this is helpful to your families. Also, please let us know if you want to be taken off our email list. This will also be posted on the Church’s Children and Youth blog which is linked on our web site.
Thanks so much. Joy and blessings for your week.
Yours in God’s service, your Sunday School Teachers,
Chris Pistorius, Linda May and Verna Robinson
