Celebrating Baptism

The Baptismal Font at Sixth Presbyterian Church.

This Sunday we are celebrating a baptism – one of my favorite times at church!  I was recently gifted a prayer and celebration guide for families. The book suggests that families do something special to celebrate and honor the date of a person’s baptism!
This would be a wonderful way to be reminded about how special it is to be a part of the church community and to recognize the person’s identity in Christ.  
They are so many ways we can do this! Lighting a candle, saying a special prayer for that family member, singing a hymn or reading that story of when Jesus was baptized are all great ideas.  Another way you can remember the day is to look at pictures (if you have them) and tell stories that you can remember about the person’s baptism.  Mark the baptism date of your family members on your calendar and plan something special!
This book has great ideas for families! Feel free to borrow my copy.
