Story Bibles for Young Children


These are my current favorite story Bibles
for young children.
 The Shine On Story Bible is one that I just discovered.  It is published by Brethren Press and MennoMedia. (This Bible is only available through the publisher - which is where I ordered).  It's great for ages 3to 8.  There are a variety of artists that have illustrated the stories so there is something fresh on every page.  It uses easy, clear language and contains 150 stories each with a sidebar that offers questions and activities for the readers.  It was created to go along with the Mennonite denomination's Shine: Living in God's Light Sunday school curriculum but is a wonderful story Bible all on it's own.

The Spark Story Bible is published by Augsburg Fortress and is written for children age 2 through about second grade.  It is based on the NRSV text and has bright colorful cartoon-like pictures that go along with each story. There is a follow-up question following each story for the reader to explore. My favorite thing about this Bible is that is written in a very engaging language for younger children. Sound words like "Crash,"" Boom," "Squish," and "Woosh," help bring life to the stories. This one is available on Amazon.
The Pilgrim Book of Bible Stories is another great story Bible for older kids. The target audience I would guess would be 3rd through 6th graders.  There are more than 250 stories that are arranged in biblical sequence and divided into chapters that are color-coded.  It is also based on the NRVS text and uses inclusive language for God.  This is a great way to ease young readers into using a study Bible due to the way it is organized and it's use of annotations. illustrations and sidebars.  This Bible is available on Amazon.
I have all three of these in my office if anyone would like to check them out!
